Important Offerings
Important Offerings
The omnipotent Lord Shaneeswara offers solace and relief from the troubles and tribulations of life. Special offerings to the bountiful Lord Shanidev and Navagrahas grant all wishes and provide solace from illness unfortunately fear.
1008 coconut divided by two pieces with Elludeepam offered to the deity to the chanting of Shaneeswara Maha Mantra 1008 times. For immediate relief from troubles and instant solutions For all good fortune this is supposed to be very effective. While performing this pooja the presence of the devotee is a must. Praying the lord Shanidev to confer grace on the devotee.
More than one a day can not be performed, to make advance booking for this Pooja.
Special poojas and offerings are made to Lord Shaneeswaran and Navagrahas, obstacles and confer grace on the devotee.
Ashtadravya Abhishekam & Nevadya pooja
Oil,Milk,Ghee,Curd,Honey,Rose-water,Tendar cocunut juice(Elaneer)Bhasmam taken in copper pot is poured on Lord shanidev Idol 108 times, simultaneously chanting mantras . This Abhishekam is only performed by the Thanthri. As this pooja is a time consuming process only two numbers can be performed in a day and prior registration is needed to perform this pooja by devotees. The performing date will be intimated to them as and when the dates are allotted by Thanthri. While performing this pooja the presence of the devotees is a must. Praying the lord Shanidev to confer grace on him to overcome all hindrance. And facilitate marriages.
An offering of Ellupayasam is made to Lord Shaneedev on twelve Satursdays, for the procurement of progeny (Salputhra and well beings, Pithru dosha santi Purvajanmma dosha etc)
Narangamala (Lemon)
A garland of 26 lemon (Cherunaranga) is placed on the idol of Shaneedev to off all obstacles and facilitate marriages. This offering is made every Amavasi for 12 consecutive months and can be booked in advance.
The ritual of decorating deity with sandal paste is known as Muzhukappu and is one of the most popular offerings of the temple. It is out of extreme devotion that one can get intimate with the deity.
This is a unique offering and the devotee who performs it donates to the deity the material equivalent to his/her body weight. Ellu, Butter, sugur, jaggery, banana etc are some of the popular materials used for It is offered for acquiring prosperity and well being.
Nivedyas have been decided based on the various characteristic elements of each deity. And this offering is done in a rich tribute to the five important elements of every deity. With this every devotee attain the result of having performed a full length puja.
Pushpanjali is yet another popular offering observed in temples of Kerala. There are varieties of Pushpanjali and each has its own significance and results . Archana, Bhagyasooktha archana, Aikamathyasooktha archana, Vidyaasooktha archana, Sreesooktha archana, Ayursooktha archana, Swayamvara archana, Purushasooktha archana.
Abhishekam is an important ritual that involves bathing the deity with all customary chanting of mantras. The remains of Abhishekam are distributed among devotees as theertham. By performing Abhishekam the devotees get liberated from their past sins.
Vilakku (Lamp)
Vilakku is yet another important facet of ritualistic offering prevalent in temples of Kerala. By offering Vilakku, it is belived that, the devotees would attain happiness in their life and will lead him/her from a life of darkness into one with full of lights. Of several types of Vilakku, Neyy-vilakku has greater importance.
Garlands always occupy the centre stage in the rituals of all temples in Kerala. Garlands made of various flowers and leaves are offered to deities and its offering is considered to bring material comfort and prosperity to the devotees.
Narangamala (lemon garlands),
Thulasi malai, Koovala malai etc are the garlands using in this temple
A Day’s Pooja
Special poojas and offerings are made for Lord Shaneedev and Navagrahas, to remove all obstacles and confer grace on the devotee.
Udayasthamana Pooja
A complete offering is made to the Lord Shaneedev and Navagrahas from poojas, lighting of lamps, Navakabhishekam, and special Nivedyam. It is an offering that showers grace and bounty on the worshipper.
Ashtadravya Ganapati Homam
Ashtadravya Ganapati Homam is observed with 1008 coconuts. Apart from the coconuts materials such as jaggery, puffed rice, fried rice flour, lemon, honey, ghee etc are used in the Homam. 1008 small packets of medicinal plants such as karuka, mukkutti, koovalachamata, chethipoovu, nellu and an equal number of coconut shells are also used in performing the Homam. Devotees can book well in advance for performing this puja which is considered to bring desired results in abundance.
It is a special offering held during the Mandala-Makaravilakku season with special poojas and special offerings of flowers, lamps and garlands. This offering must be booked in advance.